
Orgasmic Guy

Where is Your Aneros?

Aneros and anal sex play revolutionized the male sex toy world — literally by storm. Aneros isn’t simple masturbation. Aneros is personal sexual art.

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When you’re talking male sex toys, you’ve got to talk Aneros. It’s almost uncouth to use the expression sex toy in the same breath as the amazing Aneros. It’s an engineered piece of erotic equipment, a well-crafted aid to a personal experience of prostate stimulation. In short, the Aneros is art. Aneros gives a whole new meaning to anal-retentive. If this is what it means, then guys by the thousands are wanting a piece of the Aneros, anal sexual action. Read on or check out Aneros for yourself!

Aneros Isn’t Taking A Backseat

What is Aneros? It’s much more than a male anal masturbation toy, though it is uniquely for men because only men have a prostate. The Aneros is a quality device designed especially to stimulate and massage the male prostate producing an orgasmic response mere words struggle to describe. For men, the prostate gland is the male g-spot and Aneros is uniquely designed to easily reach a guy’s g-spot, massaging, stimulating, and pleasuring to bring on a male orgasm not possible by merely stimulating the penis. An anal, prostate orgasm is very different — deeper, subtler, longer, and involving the whole body.

How Do You Like Your Aneros?

I’ve found Aneros to be beautifully versatile adding an amazing dimension to sexual experience. You’ll think of more when yours arrives, but here are a few of the things I do:

Aneros at work or play.
The device is so easy to use, that I’ll sometimes just slip it in for an hour or so while working, going for a short walk, reading, or watching TV. It adds a really pleasant, subtle sexual excitement to an otherwise mundane activity.

Aneros and intercourse. Aneros doesn’t have to be a purely solo experience. Your mate is an essential part of your sexuality. Show her how to slip in this marvelous piece of equipment. When you add the prostate dimension to orgasm from intercourse, you sense the thicker, rolling, deep sensation within you.

Twist and shout with Aneros in the morning. I sometimes grab it on the way into the shower if I’ve got an extra five or ten minutes to linger under the spray. I’d say my shower dance is a lot more erotic as I twist and jive and feel the quivering movement inside me.

The ancient baths of Aneros.
Absolutely, there is nothing like a hot bath on a cold Sunday night with your trusty Aneros. I fill the tub, nod “So long!” to the family, slip in my Aneros, and slowly sink into the steamy water with a book all the while gently massaging my prostate hands-free. Give it ten minutes and I have to set the book aside as Aneros is making waves.

Wanking with Aneros. While Aneros is hands-free and isn’t really designed to require penis stimulation, a guy certainly can pop it in and enjoy a different kind of orgasm while he masturbates. While you’re massaging your erection, Aneros is doing its job and massaging your prostate. The orgasm? It’s like rolling thunder during a summer storm.

The Aneros Experience. Of course, I use Aneros as it was intended. There’s nothing quite like it, and I’d wish this amount of intense pleasure for any guy. It’s definitely not to be missed. In a quiet, warm, comfortable place, put on some music, slip in the Aneros and lie down. Close your eyes and gently use your anal muscles to contract around the Aneros. Take plenty of time and go easy as the first sensations are subtle. As you relax, you fall back into sensation after orgasmic sensation which gradually increases in depth, thickness, and intensity. To be honest, I never know when to quit.

You’ll think of many other ways to enjoy your Aneros. You’re probably much more creative than I am. As you think of them, do me a favor and jot me a note. I’d love to share them here on Orgasmic Guy.

How To Get Your Own Aneros

It’s easy and not expensive. I was amazed at how much fun you can have with only a few dollars. Masturbation sleeves for the same price only last a few months or a year. Aneros doesn’t wear out. An amazing value. Order your Aneros here!

4 thoughts on "Where is Your Aneros?"

  1. Sereno says:

    I’m just beginning with it and don’t get on the path to orgasm right away. How long a session does it take and are there any specific way to place it so as to acheive the best results?

    1. Sean says:

      Aneros takes some patience. The sensations are subtle and deep. It’s a wonderful toy because it teaches you to pay more attention to sensations in your body that you’ve probably never noticed before. A couple tips. Practice moving the Aneros with your anal muscles — slow and gentle. Save stimulating your penis till later. Use lots of lube with your Aneros — some people use a liquid medicine syringe to squirt a little water-based lube into their anus, first. Finally, take your time — it takes practice — allow a good half hour for a session, maybe longer.

  2. Damien says:

    All right. So, I just got a frenum piercing on monday…and while trolling around the internet to find what else I could do for a few days while I heal up enough I came across your website. It really is a great blog! Straightforward no-nonsence talk. I love it.
    Well, I said, looking for alternatives…tried the frenum rub…but, like I said, a still too new piercing. Read your stories about Aneros…half-heartedly believing it. But, hey, I was starting a new exploration with the piercing…so, after getting up enough courage to go to the local sex shop (and to my surprise…it’s anal august—buy 40 dollars of aneros, get a free eupho). So, being the cheapskate…I tried to work around in my head how much lube I could buy to get the free gizmo! Then, just chucked that idea, bought the helix and some lube…got a nice logo’d shopping bag with a euphos in it. Immediately folding the cloth bag up and made for the car.
    I’d never had anything more than a fingertip up there. Didn’t even like that. Didn’t think I would get anything real out of it. Well, took your advice and the advice around the web. Set the mood, music, dim lights…lots of lube. Relax…relaaaas…the head of it slowly went in—then thoomph! so did the rest of it. Was definitely a bizarre feeling. Not liking it a whole bunch. Got on their website…looked for beginners—***here is the kicker…don’t do anything but relax for 10-20 minutes until your body gets acclimated to the initial insertion!
    Okay, so first session…getting used to it, not a bad feeling. warmed up to it a bit more, then after an hour or two was done. I wasn’t really expecting a whole lot—reading that it usually takes several sessions to even get a little O not to mention the Super O.
    Logged on and played a few video games, had dinner. Thought, what the hell…let’s go for another go at it. (I like your try anything twice-for me, it’s usually 3 times)
    so, same situation, music, relaxed, candle (vanilla scent), dim lights, lube, lube, lube…THOOMPH! it was in. (used the purchased Helix because it seems to be the one I remembered from your blog) got some good feelings, logged onto aneros website, they have a chat…kind of a cheering section, tips, guys routing you on, good tips, etc. Well, was beginning to feel like I was close to something many times—but always elusive. So, logged out of aneros chat, relaxed, flexed some more muscles, breathing slowly. Had my legs up on my desk chair while lying on my back. Slowly raised my bottom off the floor—got more feelings. Then, my legs started to tremble. *thought—muscle fatigue. Well, I was wrong.
    Apparently I should be considered a very lucky guy! My legs didn’t stop quivering when I took them down from the chair and had the souls of my feet on the ground…they continued to quiver. then slowly by butt cheeks began to shake, and then my hips started to buck. All the while flexing/constricting anus muscles as per instuctions. Hips were going wild…got an immediate erection (bobbing up and down on my stomach, (mind you—I still have a fresh piercing) Hard as a rock…then the warming sensation came up from my groin, lowerback, arms neck and face. Hips and legs still quivering. After the warming sensation…the tingly/numby sensation! And slowly, after about 10 minutes (don’t know if it was that long or shorter, wasn’t watching the clock) the trembling started to subside…a few more contractions…they came back…did this for about 10 more minutes (guessing again). and then all I wanted was to lay there.
    So, I consider myself a VERY lucky guy—after only 2 session in the same day!
    Thank you! I still don’t know how to broach this subject with guy friends, but if it comes up…I’ll do my best to strongly suggest they try it!
    tinglings are slowly going away now…and writing this late…right after. I had to thank you immediately.
    Thanks again!

  3. justme says:

    In my ‘Toy Box,’ I have the following models — MGX, Peridise, Progasm. I would like very much to buy at least one of the following — Progasm JR or DeVice.
    There are times when using these just doesn’t make that much difference . . . but then there are other times when your body rocks.
    My Dad had major prostate issues.
    I have no desire to follow in his footsteps.
    Keeping this gland moving and emptying just seems like Basic Required Maintenance.
    It should just be included in the Guy Owner’s Manual.
    You won’t be sorry that you bought one, and if you buy one via the link on this site, Sean ‘ol buddy, gets a percentage.

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