
Orgasmic Guy

rear shot of naked guy on a desert highway

The Secret Life of Sexual Fantasy

Ask any guy, and he’ll undoubtedly deny it and maybe even hurt you. He often lives another tightly concealed life in a colorful erotic world. His world of sexual fantasy has no borders and no shores, needs no passport, no commitment and has no exit.

young guy with hands up against a blue sky

13 Ways To Commemorate National Masturbation Month

May is National Masturbation Month. The commemoration is sure, about masturbating, but more than that, the month is a reminder that personal sexuality is basic to our more far-reaching sexual lives.

hands up at concert

Good Vibrations – Syncing With Sex

A good vibe is essential to a novel idea or an honest deal, but mostly it’s a path to an astounding orgasm. Women have traditionally claimed the corner on sexual okayness of vibrators as a part of their private pleasure. And rightly so because women have worked for this social dignity for decades and they take their own sexual pleasure in hand.

young guy looking worried

Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome (POIS) – Twice Shy About Coming

Like fireworks without the bang, post orgasmic illness syndrome (POIS) leaves guys gun shy about ejaculating. Rare, but it packs a punch in your sex life. No one knows how common of a sexual malady POIS is.

man on phone looking at the time on his watch

Losing Sex Drive, Says Japanese Report

Young Japanese men aged 16 to 19 had little or no interest in sex according to a survey. Is the sexual health of a nation connected to it’s leisure time? This post compares sex frequency with minimum vacation days.

holiday lights celebration old european town

How To Launch A Sexual Resolution

New Years resolutions are like promises to clean the garage or scrape the pigeon crap off the gutters. They’re great intentions with little hope of realization. Your sexual resolutions, though can become personal sexual revolutions if you keep your tactics simple.

boy with duct tape over his mouth

Not Just Another Cock & Ball Story

What a guy calls his genitals in polite company is probably one of the most unnerving momentary decisions he’ll make. If he doesn’t call his organ “Marlon” or “Dick”, referring to his dangly bit as “penis” is more awkward than “I do”, than “No, officer, I don’t know how fast I was going”, or even than “I’ll take five cards.”

young couple

How To Talk About Sex

Try it sometime. Next time you’re in a restaurant, in the course of your conversation, say the word “penis” loud enough to be heard for several tables around you. Your table mates will blush and you will gain the attention of many.

school desk in tall grass

A Student of Messy Sexuality

To whom did someone give the task of tidying up sexuality? Schools tried it. Churches tried it. Legislators tried it. Zillions of authors tried it. Prudish mothers tried it. Messy Sexuality. It can’t be done. Thank God. I think I’ve finally concluded that sexuality is messy just like the rest of life, love, God and friends.