
Orgasmic Guy

peeling zucchini

Measure Twice Cut Once

I use the same wisdom in most areas of life — Caution when doing anything permanent. So, any talk about measuring or cutting with regard to my penis tends to give me wildly conflicting emotions. Circumcision still gives me more than chills.

Your Fellow Orgasmic Guy Visitors

I’m not a stat junkie, but occasionally on my sites, I find it not only interesting but helpful to find out who is visiting, which pages they’re reading, and how they got to the site.

couple kissing through a glass

A Guy and His Toys

Women have always had a glorious history of enjoying sex toys. I suspect women’s sex toy traditions go back centuries before plain paper packages. I think the joy a woman gets from her vibe or dildo is in many ways more fulfilling to her guy than it is even to her.

chocolate chip cookies

Kama Sutra Candy

All of your body’s organs will scream at you to chew, chew, chew. But with all of the discipline you can muster, you slowly let the candy bar melt away. First the chocolate goes, than the gooey stuff, and finally the humble little peanuts. Life will never be the same again.

hand offering an apple

Thanks, I’m not Hungry

You know we give Eve a lot of crap for leading us guys like the pied piper down the lane of original sin. What if Adam had simply said, “Thanks I’m not hungry right now, but can we make love?”

sun beam on mountain lake

On the Sixth Day God Created Testosterone

If God created me, my body and my mind, then He created all the sexual passion that’s rushing through me. Don’t tell me it’s a curse, of the devil, or something I’ve just got to “get over”. There’s a reason for it, and I think every guy would do well to find out just why God left him with this raging fire inside. Why the testosterone.

young guy wearing a beanie

Nudge and a Smile

Some days a guy just stuns himself with absolute genius! The other day was fast becoming a real drag. Work was tedious at best and not much was going the way it should. And I just wasn’t happy. Never been there?

military salute

Morning Salute

I remember when I was a kid and I’d have an erection in the morning, I had to do acrobats to pee in the toilet. It scared me because I thought something was really wrong, and there was no way I was going to ask anyone about it. Today, I welcome a morning salute.

couple in kissing embrace

Powerful Passion

It never ceases to amaze me what power sexual tension has — sometimes to the point of becoming irrational. And this can be a good thing. In love, concepts like reason, logic and moderation diffuse what we really want and need in a sexual union, namely boundless, wild passion.