
Orgasmic Guy

How To Launch A Sexual Resolution

New Year’s resolutions are like promises to clean the garage or scrape the pigeon crap off the gutters. They’re great intentions with little hope of realization. Your sexual resolutions though can become personal sexual revolutions if you keep your tactics simple.

Sean Christopher
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Most of us need some reform in our sex lives—or maybe a major overhaul. Our sex lives, at first glance, could evoke the same emotions as the garage, but the good news is that really small and really achievable actions can easily produce a life-changing impact.

The trick is to make sure your sexual resolution isn’t self-defeating from the get-go. Most folks make New Year’s resolutions by saying something like, “I’m going to lose 75 pounds, work out every day, stop smoking and quit cussing. And in February I’ll …” This bloke won’t see January 2nd before certain failure occurs and the revolution is quashed.

Steer Your Life From Your Sex Life

Your sex life is a great place to make changes that will affect much of the rest of your outlook on life. It affects your emotions, relationships, attitude, ambition, creativity, endurance, and even spirituality. And you can impact these areas of your life by making tiny measures of growth in your sex life.

Let’s say that sex in your relationship is barely alive and you’d really love to inject some erotic life into it. “Sex twice a day starting January 1st!” unfortunately will end in anguish by January 2nd just like the poor clod wanting to lose 75 pounds. Then how can you ensure better chances for survival and turn your sexual resolution into a sexual revolution?

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Revolutions start in common places among the common folk. So, resolve to do something simple that will spark the desire for something more. Don’t try to overthrow the whole enchilada in one week. Choose one simple thing that you know you can and will do, and then do it.

For example, let’s say you and your lover just can’t express your sexual feelings to one another because you simply can’t use sexual language. Try reading an erotic short story together. The author chooses language for you, it will take less than an hour, and you can laugh realizing you’ve actually said erotic words in one another’s presence. You’ve achieved your resolution, and you can take another small step leading to greater and greater intimate conversation. And we know where that goes.

Possibly you’d like more adventure in your sex life. Rather than insisting on assuming a new startling sexual position when you’ve only used missionary for 22 years, agree with your lover to just touch some new places that you’ve never touched before. See how you like it and see where it goes. You’ll discover that you’re conquering more territory than you intended, and yet it was incredibly easy to start.

Perhaps just resolve this year to read a new book that will open your mind a bit to aspects of sexuality that you hadn’t considered before. Your imagination will inspire all kinds of sexual dreams which result in the stride of growth.

Resolve to do one thing. Do it. Then resolve what comes next. Before you know it your sexual resolution will evolve into a sexual revolution and you’ll look in the mirror at the man you always thought you were — and smile.

Make a quick comment below. How do you resolve to cultivate your male sexuality?

Photo by Daniil Silantev on Unsplash

One thought on "How To Launch A Sexual Resolution"

  1. Harry.T says:

    With it coming to 2019 i need to think about my resolution and you have opened a whole new way of thinking about it. Thanks!

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