
Orgasmic Guy

First Words of Sean Christopher

The problem? How to begin. It’s that thing with the blank canvas — where do you throw the first splash of paint? I’m writing on a blank sheet. Dang. What are my first words?

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Have you ever been to a gathering where there’s supposed to be a discussion time and the moderator asks, “Who would like to begin?” Then follows either an incredibly uncomfortable silence or a domineering person pipes up and occupies the rest of the time with irrelevant babble. The problem? How to begin. It’s that thing with the blank canvas — where do you throw the first splash of paint? I’m writing on a blank sheet. Dang. What are my first words?

For The Orgasmic Guy, that’s easy. On OG nearly anything sane goes. The keyword is sane. Sex is sane. Male sexuality is sane. Man’s sexual fulfillment is sane. What we don’t want is irrelevant babble. Unfortunately, that’s usually what occurs when the talk is about sexuality.

Seeking Sanity in Sex

Why? Discomfort. People are afraid, to tell the truth because someone might think less of them. Most of us have been conditioned to be uncomfortable when the talk turns to sex. So, most people either cover their discomfort with crude talk or succumb to jabber that in no way reflects their true feelings, desires, and opinions. Usually, it’s something they heard someone say. And both of these diversions from honest feelings and the truth are insane.

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Try it sometime. When the discussion turns to sexuality, say what you really think. See what happens — uncomfortable silence or someone will correct you or gently let you know that you’re insane. What you won’t see right away is the truth — that someone will respect you for telling the truth because they wish they had the courage to say what you said. You’ll find out eventually, though because someone will let you know that you’re a rare kind of guy that has the guts to say what he thinks and doesn’t cover it with babble or crude talk.

We can talk about sane sex and I hope you’ll write a few lines in response to posts, and write your questions or thoughts on male sexuality.

Thanks for reading. Thanks for writing.

Photo by Evan Clark on Unsplash

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