
Orgasmic Guy

Sexual Growth

rooster on the railroad tracks

Male Sex Drive: 9 Myths Busted

Like a naked rifle squad, we think of guy sex drive as little more than a hard-on, a target and the relief of a well-aimed load. Male sex myths busted!

young guy laughing close up

A Game Of Truth Or Dare

Sex is always about truth. Sex drives you naked to the edge of a high precipice of self-revealing where you show yourself. Sex is about truth or dare.

Circle of comfort

Circles of Comfort

We pee in the woods, drink beer, swim naked and then later tell the absolute truth about ourselves. We can take the bags off our heads and show that we’re no different than the guy sitting in the same glow of a smokey camp fire.

rear shot of naked guy on a desert highway

The Secret Life of Sexual Fantasy

Ask any guy, and he’ll undoubtedly deny it and maybe even hurt you. He often lives another tightly concealed life in a colorful erotic world. His world of sexual fantasy has no borders and no shores, needs no passport, no commitment and has no exit.

holiday lights celebration old european town

How To Launch A Sexual Resolution

New Years resolutions are like promises to clean the garage or scrape the pigeon crap off the gutters. They’re great intentions with little hope of realization. Your sexual resolutions, though can become personal sexual revolutions if you keep your tactics simple.

boy with duct tape over his mouth

Not Just Another Cock & Ball Story

What a guy calls his genitals in polite company is probably one of the most unnerving momentary decisions he’ll make. If he doesn’t call his organ “Marlon” or “Dick”, referring to his dangly bit as “penis” is more awkward than “I do”, than “No, officer, I don’t know how fast I was going”, or even than “I’ll take five cards.”

young couple

How To Talk About Sex

Try it sometime. Next time you’re in a restaurant, in the course of your conversation, say the word “penis” loud enough to be heard for several tables around you. Your table mates will blush and you will gain the attention of many.

school desk in tall grass

A Student of Messy Sexuality

To whom did someone give the task of tidying up sexuality? Schools tried it. Churches tried it. Legislators tried it. Zillions of authors tried it. Prudish mothers tried it. Messy Sexuality. It can’t be done. Thank God. I think I’ve finally concluded that sexuality is messy just like the rest of life, love, God and friends.

guy crawling through a window

Consummating A Home

With every new destination comes a decision to marry it or room with it. We moved to a new home and new neighborhood this past weekend. I decided to marry this one.