
Orgasmic Guy

Male Sexual Health

nude guy looking over his shoulder

Male Sexual Anatomy — A Guy’s Sexual Equipment Check

Someone said that for a guy, knowing your own male sexual anatomy is not unlike admiring the great equipment under the hood of a new car. Read the manual and find out where everything is, then try it out and see what it will do. Logo

Altered Sensations

The stakes are miles higher when sexual expression and meaningful pleasure is just beyond your reach and it seems like destiny may never provide the mysterious sexual language that feeds your soul. When you meet altered sensations, you face dizzying forks in your journey.

peeling zucchini

Measure Twice Cut Once

I use the same wisdom in most areas of life — Caution when doing anything permanent. So, any talk about measuring or cutting with regard to my penis tends to give me wildly conflicting emotions. Circumcision still gives me more than chills.

fresh round loaf of artisan bread

Peanut Butter Suicide

I attempted suicide last night. That’s right. I tried to kill myself with two tablespoons of all-natural peanut butter on two slices of 12-grain bread. What the heck is happening in my world when I can almost honestly say that?