
Orgasmic Guy


Anal Fun Was Never So Affordable

It must be a remarkable deal to get me to post a giant banner ad, but this morning at the coffee shop, I saw this deal and I had to share it with you.

dominatrix with a cigarette

D/s, The Heart of Kink

Kink isn’t deviant. Kink is more aligned with the heart and soul that any of us can imagine. Learn about D/s, domination and submission. Learn your kink.

cigar cutter

A Battle of Foreskins

Foreskin wars — Who thought a teeny dangle of penile tissue inflames social rage? Apparently, everyone. Foreskins are closer to our heart than we thought.


Dress For Sex—Wear A Condom

Condoms are the party favor of sexuality whether you’re playing with vaginal, anal or oral sex. Condoms are part of the fun.

rear view of seated couple embracing

Sexless Nights, Sexless Days

Why don’t people have sex? A zillion reasons, but you want to know yours. If there’s anything that can make your heart ache, make you sob in your pillow and rehearse scenario after scenario of why and who’s fault, it’s too many nights and days gone sexless.

yellow tent on tundra

7 Guy Sexual Health Tips For The New Year

Guy sexual health doesn’t always look like stuff about sexuality. This New Year look at guy sexual health examines things like sleep and friends and play.